Monitoring and Evaluation


Assess the effectiveness of your projects with Axyom's monitoring and evaluation service

Need to monitor and evaluate a project or programme ? In many cases, project evaluation is a requirement for organisations such as yours and is even a requirement for funding authorities.

Entrust this task to an external expert such as Axyom, and free up your time to focus on the implementation of the project or programme.

Axyom : monitoring based on effectiveness and efficiency

Although our experts can act on all the performance criteria advocated by the OECD, at Axyom we have decided to focus on aspects that are directly related to management capacities : effectiveness and efficiency.

A choice that allows us to be fully consistent across our different fields of expertise and, more importantly, to offer you a complete management service for your organisation.

Do you have any questions ? Would you like to know more about the solutions that Axyom can provide to your organisation ? Would you like to obtain specific references for a particular type of service ? Please contact us by email  We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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